Thursday 24 March 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt so much during my creating of our final full product. Compared to where I was when we had completed our preliminary task I have come on leaps and bounds, being able to function movie maker properly as well as understanding what stages you have to produce a film. I have improved as well in terms of camera angles and different shots which we did not have in the preliminary video. Our story boarding and ideas research was a lot more thorough in our film than it was in our preliminary as well.
Also we improved the setting and location of the film, there is a real sense of atmosphere in our film than there is in the prelim, the opening shots of a pure white mysterious tunnel with added dramatic music and a deep red eye right filling up the screen, compared to just a man walking up a stairs and opening a door to a dull darkened room with two other very plain boring men.
We improved from the prelim as well the music and editing of the film. It is a far smoother finish than the prelim with better diverse transitions and we did much research into which music to choose for our film, as well as the editing of the music alongside the film. We completed this all on our imac computer in which our prelim and film is saved on.

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